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riumph of student’s card for public transportation. Students closed the streets to get the attention that they needed to hold their objectives. At first, the action gave them the possibility to be heard.  Thus it’s clear that both actions and words are important, but what makes words consistency are the actions. A word by itself does not have the same force that an action has. Then, based on these ideas and on what was presented, I reinforce my supporting for the statement  Unit 4 Actions Speak Louder than Words

TEACHER: OK, class, OK… let’s begin. What do we mean when we say that actions speak louder than words?

STUDENT1: UH… that means we believe people’s actions more than we believe their words;

TEACHER: Yes, exactly right—and, uh, in a sense, actions are more important than words. That’s because we usually judge speakers intentions by the nonverbal signals they send us. And that’s what our subject today is all about, nonverbal communication—how we communicate through our actions—facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, uh, body movement, and so on. And if any of you doubt the importance of these things, you might like to consider a couple of statistics I’ve got here in front of me. Some communication specialists esti

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